I pray for the world not to be onesided,
We need people with two eyes not to see with one eye only,
I pray that the powerful care for the powerless,
We need less negative impact decisions in the word made.
I pray that hatred of another is quashed with peace from within all,
We want the universal to tell the goods news of all lives not the the bad,
I pray for earthly love, good old respect for each other,
As seen by the two fingered peace signs in the weather cold.
We honor Jesus Christ, son of God the Father,
As he died for all sinners in the world, on the Holy Cross,
From the poor to the rich from the blind to the one that could see, to all husband and wife,
I pray that household neighbourhoods become good neighbours to all around the world,
We pray that children play their games in communities of peace , hope and love nor war,
We pray that leaders do not look after their greed first, passionate decisions are made good,
We pray that each person has the time to pray God for all their daily needs,
We pray religions and sects and praise and glorify God's name and miracles of lives,
The good works done, the message of continual prayer and love for him,
We also pray that all people are merciful and kind to each other in the world,
Giving all God's riches to the poor and to the rich in heart forever love in entering his kingdom.
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