
Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Peaceful Prayer

Dear Lord Jesus Christ,

In our lives we live and breathe your holy words as we feel the words of peace in our hearts that will bring rest to the whole world.
Most of us live a daily normal life: study, work, care for the young and possibly pray.

Yet around other parts of the world, there is that instability of Governments, religions and greed, where  people fight each other. Father, I thought that you brought people into our world so that we can 'live' with each other not 'live against' each other. My parents and forefathers have gone through war torn countries, my country is currently peaceful, yet there have been some attacks on people in my country and this saddens myself. 

Image result for peaceful prayerI ask that rather than making people's hand fight against each other, no matter what excuse that you make all people join hands in joy for everlasting love and eternal peace. Firstly bring peace to each and everyone's heart around the world and then the peace will be settled amongst all lands of the world. I ask this through Christ our Lord.


Monday, 14 March 2016

Prayer For Monetary Problems!

Lord Jesus Christ I ask for guidance today and every day of my life as my heart talks to people in each and every occasion. My job is at times a hard job where most of the time, I'm trying to up
lift people's lives as they make a decision to pay or not to pay a debt.
Image result for prayer for money problems

A lot of  people don't know how to deal being in this unfortunate situation. Lifetime jobs are hard to get and keep. Sometimes  money is spent before earned. I ask of you to give these people the courage to do something positive in these matters, even if it is to sit up and look at a different lifestyle, speak to the ones that money is owed too, until a reasonable and better positive outcome arrives. Only then they could seek the guidance of someone they know well.

Through your words these people will be blessed, stronger and uplift their life as I ask this through Jesus Christ. 


Thursday, 3 March 2016

A Prayer For Non-Believers - My Miracle!

Believe it or not? I do!

I'm not here to preach to the converted or even to the unconverted. I'm here on earth not by my own doing, by my mothers and fathers wonderful creation of myself. Yet, my face is part of the face of God, my body is part of God's holy body and my heart is divinely secured in Jesus's heart.

So my miracle of life was when God, the Holy Father created myself when I was born in living image of him. In all my life God has been planning and mapping my life: when I was lost and found.
Image result for prayer for non-believers Yes, I have made decisions in favouring myself and the people around but God has called me to lead a part of his flock of sheep (on occasions) heading to the right field. He is the invincible shepherd looking after his flock. I'm not the lost sheep now, I am the one that other sheep follow behind the good shepherd Lord God of spiritual love, peace & understanding.

Yes, I have made decisions in favouring myself and the people around but God has called me to lead a part of his flock of sheep (on occasions) heading to the right field. He is the invincible shepherd looking after his flock. I'm not the lost sheep now, I am the one that other sheep follow behind the good shepherd Lord God of spiritual love, peace & understanding.

Most of the time I am blind to this message, no angel he sends, yet he lives in heart and mind. He protects me while I am awake and deep asleep. He gives myself time to pray for all people, when I am lost he finds me.

For the ones that do not believe or have been misguided by another actions, one day God will hear them speak and their day will come before him in his glorious days.


Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Praying For The World

Dear Holy Father,

I pray for the world not to be onesided,
We need people with two eyes not to see with one eye only,
I pray that the powerful care for the powerless,
We need less negative impact decisions in the word made.

I pray that hatred of another is quashed with peace from within all,
We want the universal to tell the goods news of  all lives not the the bad,
I pray for earthly love, good old respect for each other,
As seen by the  two fingered peace signs in the weather cold.

We honor Jesus Christ, son of God the Father,
As he died for all sinners in the world, on the Holy Cross,
Image result for prayer for worldWe remember how he gave us many examples of leading a good life,
From the poor to the rich from the blind to the one that could see, to all husband and wife,

I pray that household  neighbourhoods become good neighbours to all around the world,
We pray that children play their games in communities of  peace , hope and love nor war,
We pray that leaders do not look after their greed first, passionate decisions are made good,
We pray that each person has the time to pray God for all their daily needs,

We pray religions and sects and praise and glorify God's name and miracles of lives,
The good works done, the message of continual prayer and love for him,
We also  pray that all people are merciful and kind to each other in the world,
Giving all God's riches to the poor and to the rich in heart forever love in entering his kingdom.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

My Mission

My mission is driven by the Lord God in my daily life. My mission could be your mission but is never a 'Mission Impossible'!
Image result for heaven
My daily mission is when talking to all people, to raise a smile on their face, every day with the strength of God's love behind.

My life's mission is to try to change my street, suburb, local community, city, state, country and world, just that little bit away from wars, fights, disagreements and arguments. To share points of view with peace, love understanding, personal listening skills with such compassion that changes great improvements within ourselves spreading to the wider world.

My mission is not just a one way street, it is being kind and merciful to those in need, not to be living in greed in deed.

My spiritual mission is a journey that I'm talking with God about. Sometimes I know he is there, sometimes I search for him but he is in front of me and sometimes I hope I have done right in his eyes, so maybe I can meet him in heaven.